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Life isn't just about the destination, it's about the Journey.

As someone who has always been passionate about travel and culture, I believe every part of your journey is important. From the origin of your trip’s idea, to the unlocking of your door when coming home, I believe every step to be an important factor. When thinking of your destination and all that comes with getting there, you should embrace the journey that it takes you on. I believe Journey with Jordyn can be a place for everyone who enjoys traveling, or the observation of new places and cultures. My hope is that those who do not actually wish to travel, you can come along with me on my adventures by reading my stories and observing the photos shared. For my fellow adventurers, I know travel planning can be stressful. If you’d like to take some of that stress away, I would be more than happy to be your contact for your travel planning needs. Just click on the contact tab and shoot me a message, I’ll be happy to get back with you as soon as possible!

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